Great Oaks Recovery Center - Houston drug rehab - alcohol rehab center - texas addiction treatment facility - alcohol and drug detoxification


Recovery Tools: Focus on Whole-Food Nutrition

Recovery Tools: Focus on Whole-Food Nutrition

We have more nutritional information at our fingertips now than ever before. From dieticians’ blogs and fitness forums to physicians’ tips and medical studies, we can easily find any number of articles that tell us why eating this and not that is better. But changing...
Holistic Methods for Managing Chronic Pain

Holistic Methods for Managing Chronic Pain

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that approximately 50 million people—or 20 percent of adults in America—struggle with chronic pain, while another 17 million individuals—or nearly 7 percent—experience what’s known as high-impact chronic...
The Healing Power of Sleep

The Healing Power of Sleep

There are few things in life we can do that 1) improve our health tenfold and 2) are free! Fortunately we all have access to one of the most powerful remedies: sleep. While you certainly understand on a base level why you need a good night’s rest, here’s what to know...
Using Social Media to Support Recovery

Using Social Media to Support Recovery

Social media is becoming increasingly popular with all generations around the world. The National Institute of Health reports that one in four individuals use social media platforms in some capacity, and that number is rising daily. They also have strong research that...
Why Nature Is Good For Your Health

Why Nature Is Good For Your Health

There’s a health care solution that’s free, accessible anytime day or night, and incredibly effective. It provides immediate relief from stress, frustration, and some studies say anxiety and depression, too. It also has very few side effects (although inclement...