Great Oaks Recovery Center - Houston drug rehab - alcohol rehab center - texas addiction treatment facility - alcohol and drug detoxification



Great Oaks Recovery Center: A Haven for Healing

If you or someone you love needs substance abuse treatment and you’re considering rehab centers in Houston, Texas, there’s a country estate just 45 minutes out of the hustle and bustle of the metro that offers a holistic retreat for introspective care.

Across 50 acres of historic Texas landscape, groves of our namesake majestic oaks rise into an endless sky. Once a crossroads hub for stagecoaches, freight trains, and river barges, the Great Oaks campus now represents a new kind of journey: one that leaves behind the complicated chaos of addiction, and directs residents toward a destination of healthful recovery.

In addition to offering plenty of tranquil room to roam the countryside, Great Oaks’ inpatient rehabilitation facility boasts an exercise center, as well as recreational activities such as equine therapy, large outdoor swimming pools, volleyball and basketball courts, and marked trails for walking and running. The opportunity to not only have structured and free-time wellness options but also moments of quiet reflection on the veranda, by the garden, or under the gazebo allow each resident to connect and find peace.

Our modern farmhouse-style residential treatment center houses 48 clients in a relaxing, cozy atmosphere that reflects a sense of positive community. Group and individual counseling sessions are held in comfortable, welcoming settings to foster trust and understanding.

Click through the photo gallery below and watch this video for a virtual tour of Great Oaks Recovery Center.

Environment Matters If Recovery Is the Goal

There are many contributing risk factors for substance use disorder, including genetic predisposition, a co-occurring condition such as mental illness, and type of substance. But addiction studies involving twins indicate that even with the hereditary component—which usually comprises 50 percent of the risk—environment plays an even greater role as to whether someone develops a drug or alcohol problem. Peers, relationships with family members, neighborhood, external stressors, and trauma hold a great deal of influence, even when someone has the best intentions. These addiction disease triggers assault them repeatedly, creating additional challenges and complications.

Breaking the environmental cycle is a primary benefit of residential treatment. In safe, calm, and controlled surroundings, individuals choosing sobriety have a nurturing atmosphere and the time to focus completely on their wellbeing, uncovering and addressing necessary truths that provide the insight they need for lasting recovery.

If you have more questions about what life is like at Great Oaks Recovery Center, visit our Facebook page or talk with one of our admissions counselors.

For more information about the Great Oaks facility or any of our programs and services, call us anytime at (713) 769-0102.