We have heard the myth that cats have nine lives, and the same seems to be true with those who suffer from addiction. Nevertheless, the unforeseen consequences of drug abuse are around every corner in the form of job loss, health issues, fractured relationships, legal defense costs, and much more. Ultimately, as the
Overlooking the signs of addiction fuels the addiction.
In the early
In addition to the physical consequences of drug abuse, the emotional consequences present as depression, poor judgment, self-deprecation and the belief that the person is unworthy of love. This can lead to anti-social behavior as the person isolates themselves from family and friends. Far too often, this cunning, anti-social, and toxic (CAT) thinking leads to the ultimate consequence of drug abuse….an un-intended and un-attended overdose.
Drug addiction is also referred to as a family disease.
Those who love the person suffering from addiction are often the last ones to understand and accept that addiction is a disease. Challenged by denial and fear, family members engage in
Legal consequences of drug abuse can involve arrests, costly fines, incarcerations, and misdemeanor/felony charges. The courts have very little compassion for the disease that is characterized by unpredictable outbursts, DUI’s, traffic fatalities, vandalism, etc.
Drug addiction counselors and professionals stress that addiction is a “disease of choices.” Recovery depends on the daily choice to refrain from drinking and using drugs.