Anyone who discovers they have a life-threatening disease immediately runs into new and baffling terminology used to explain both the symptoms and the treatment of their disease. The
In most cases, people who enable addiction are not aware that they are doing so. Their intent is to help their loved one, but they don’t always know the best way to do that.
Enabling behaviors are any behaviors that allow the person suffering from addiction to avoid taking responsibility for their behavior. The addicted person comes to believe that someone will always be there to “bail them out,” and their drinking or drug use continues to spiral out of control. In a very real way, it is possible to enable a person to death. Caregivers or partners may think, “I love this person. I can’t let something bad happen to them.” The sad truth is that the most loving thing a family member of friend can do is to let the person they love take responsibility for themselves. Many people in
As long as someone is taking care of the addicted person, that person has no reason to go through the recovery process. They will often continue to use until they hit bottom. The saying in
Szalavitz, M., & Szalavitz, M. (n.d.). The Addiction Files: How Do We Define Recovery? | Retrieved 2015, from
Hartney, P. (n.d.). What Is Enabling (Addiction Terms)? Retrieved 2015, from