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Alcohol Abuse in College

by | Sep 2, 2016 | Alcohol Abuse

alcohol abuse in college - college students testing - great oaks recovery centerAlcohol abuse in college campuses across the United States has led to academic problems, criminal records, injury, sexual assault, and death.

The environment of college campus drinking is dangerous, both to students who drink and to those who do not. Alcohol abuse in college can damage the student body and the institution as well. Aside from students suffering the physical and mental repercussions of alcohol abuse, college campuses are seeing alcohol-related incidences involving sexual violence and rape, hate-related crimes, property damage, vandalism, driving while intoxicated, and death. In a December 2015 report, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reported that in the past year, 696,000 students were assaulted by another student who had been drinking; 97,000 students experienced alcohol-related assault or date rape; and approximately 1,825 students died from alcohol-related unintentional injuries, including motor-vehicle crashes.

The problem of alcohol abuse in college can be attributed to long-time drinking traditions, alcohol availability, residential and Greek systems, and peer groups. Many point the finger at Greek systems, and in 2015, 30 fraternities were shut down and put under investigation by either the institution or national headquarters due to alcohol-related problems such as hazing, aggressive misconduct, and other crimes.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism believes in preventing alcohol abuse in college campuses in the United States. They remain dedicated in identifying prevention methods and continue to research motivational and interventional approaches for implementation. For now, a stronger enforcement of laws, increased restrictions on purchasing alcohol, and strong coalitions of students, parents, activists, and college institutions is the first step towards a safer environment on college campuses.

Do you need help for alcoholism or know someone who might? Contact Great Oaks Recovery Center anytime at (713) 769-0102. We can help.


College Drinking – Changing the Culture. (2015). Retrieved August 22, 2016.

Kingkade, T. (2015, April 7). 30 Frats Shut Down In The Past Month As Colleges Respond To Misconduct More Aggressively. Retrieved August 22, 2016.

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