Life after drug addiction rehab will require a period of transition.
Those of us who have been through residential treatment and are now in recovery wish we could tell you that relationships are immediately mended, families made whole, and that you will walk through life without a care in the world. But recovery is a process. In life after drug addiction rehab, mending relationships with family and loved ones do not happen overnight, and in some instances, it may never happen.
In our recovery program, we have to learn through the Serenity Prayer to accept things we cannot change, have the courage to change the things we can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.
With treatment, the person in recovery and their loved ones will have gained a new way to cope with things beyond their control.
Life after drug addiction rehab is a time for healing not only the person struggling with addiction but also their family. Just as the person in recovery is addicted to a substance, so can the family members become addicted to managing their loved one: monitoring them, trying to tell when they are lying, etc. Take advantage of any family programs offered by the treatment facility.
Life after drug addiction rehab can be tumultuous.
Repairing relationships damaged by addiction is hard work. There will certainly be ups and downs. The important thing to realize is that you are not alone. Addiction affects millions of people, and addiction counselors, family therapists, and 12-step programs are all available to help people navigate relationships in recovery. Life after drug addiction rehab can be a beautiful thing if you’re willing to put in the work to continue healing.
If you or a loved one is searching for a drug addiction rehab, contact us today at (713) 769-0102.