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Uplifting Quotes for People in Recovery

Uplifting-Quotes-for-People-in-Recovery - purple flower growing through crack in concreteWe can all use some encouragement at times, and people in recovery are no exception.

Words truly do have the power to make us think and help us heal. The following are some uplifting quotes for people in recovery.

4 Inspiring and Uplifting Recovery

1. “Anything covered up won’t get healed.” – Unknown

This quote reminds people in recovery that trying to turn away from things that were painful or trying to cover them up wasn’t working for them. It only contributed to their addiction. Coming to terms with past trauma is the only way to heal and move forward.

2. “Don’t let the past steal your present.” – Terri Guillemets

For a person in recovery, their past may still be following them around. They know all too well that past events have damaged relationships with friends, family members and others. By the time someone with a substance abuse problem gets into treatment, there may have been several years of drug or alcohol use and many incidents where people around the addict have been let down.

This quote reminds those in recovery not to let these past events to take away their enjoyment of life in the here and now. It’s a positive time for new beginnings and healing relationships with loved ones.

3. “It takes more energy to control than to let go.” – Unknown

Many people fall into the trap of trying to control things in their environment that are out of their control. This takes so much energy that it’s exhausting. Letting go of the things we can’t change, such as what other people say and what they think about us, is something most of us find very uncomfortable. We like to think we’re in control of our small part of the universe, when the truth is that the only things we can control are what we think, what we say and what we do.

To lower stress in recovery, practice being mindful. Live in the present, without trying to pull the past into it or borrow worries and concerns from the future. Try not to judge what’s going on around you, but practice observing more often.

4. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier

If you’re going through a time where you think that the series of choices you make every day doesn’t amount to a hill of beans as far as your sobriety is concerned, you’d be mistaken. Every decision you make contributes to your sobriety.

When you decide not to go into your old neighborhood because you’ll probably run into someone you used to drink with, you’re making a good choice that will support your sobriety. Choosing to leave a family event early, before you get pulled into a disagreement, is another good choice. If you decide to go home in this instance, don’t leave yourself at loose ends; plan to watch a movie, play a computer game or call a friend or your sponsor to avoid dwelling on family issues or getting bored.

Reading Uplifting Quotes to Stay on Track with Your Recovery

If you are in any stage of recovery and are feeling down or just need a pick me up, there are many websites featuring uplifting quotes. Some of them focus on quotes for people in recovery, while others feature general positive quotes. While reading them, you may find something that resonates with you and helps you feel better during your sobriety journey.

This is one of the tools you can use to help you stay on track. Use it as often as you need to give you inspiration and remind yourself that you aren’t alone. Others have stayed sober for an extended time, and you can do it too.

If you or someone you love is in need of substance abuse treatment, contact our Houston alcohol and drug detox center anytime, at (713) 769-0102. We are here to help.
