The holiday season is upon us, and alongside the celebrations can come stress and an excess of alcohol and other substances. For someone suffering from addiction, the holidays can be dangerous.
Even so, the holiday season can feel like an inconvenient time to seek either an inpatient or outpatient drug treatment program. “Just wait until January,” many friends and family members will suggest. However, there is nothing convenient about an addiction. Your own sobriety and well-being is one of the best gifts you can give your friends and family this holiday season.
Drunk driving accidents and overdoses are fatal and all too common. Not only are addictions deadly, but the emotional pain and worry they inflict upon loved ones can become too much to bear. Seeing someone enter treatment during the holidays can give peace and comfort to the whole family.
While in treatment, individuals learn a great deal about
Many people suffering from addiction worry about leaving the workplace for an extended period of time for treatment.
However, with all of the office parties, weekend days, actual holidays, and days missed due to inclement weather, the holiday season is the slowest part of the work year for many industries. It’s also common for employees to take vacation time during December that they will otherwise lose when the New Year comes. In these ways, the holidays are an ideal time to enter treatment.
Most importantly, successfully completing a drug rehabilitation program in December symbolizes new hope and a fresh start for the New Year. Sacrificing only 30-45 days could lead to a lifetime of personal health and healthy relationships.