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PTSD and Addiction

by | Feb 19, 2016 | Addiction

ptsd and addiction - ptsd - great oaks recoveryMost doctors agree that there is a direct correlation between PTSD and addiction.

Sometimes people who have no previous history of heavy drinking or drug use experience a traumatic event, which in turn creates addictive behavior. This can be seen in some veterans who experience PTSD after returning home from combat. Not who experiences trauma will experience addiction, but the chances for developing addiction are increased when trauma has occurred. When we see family, friends, or loved ones suffering from addiction and/or PTSD, there’s nothing we wouldn’t do to try and help. However, love alone is not always enough to cope.

Professional therapy and dual diagnosis treatment is extremely effective for those struggling with PTSD and addiction.

When two or more disorders are present at the same time, it is termed co-occurring disorder or dual diagnosis. Many addiction treatment facilities are equipped with the means to treat addiction alongside any mental health disorder. These facilities have trained addiction specialists, doctors, and counselors who are familiar with addiction as well as mental disorders. Such programs introduce coping mechanisms, relaxation techniques, and other forms of holistic therapy. They also incorporate evidence-based modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other types of individual, group, and family therapies. PTSD and addiction can be a dangerous combination, but there are ways to live a successful and productive life.

A stay at an accredited residential treatment center is one of the best ways for our loved ones to get the help they need.

Sometimes, people suffering from PTSD or addiction may be unaware or in denial of their situation. In such cases, enlisting the help of a licensed interventionist is the best way to reach out to your loved one and help motivate them to get treatment. If you have a loved one who is experiencing PTSD and addiction, reach out to a facility and ask questions. Treatment can mean the difference between sober recovery or destructive existence.

If you are suffering from PTSD and addiction or know someone who is, contact us today at (713) 769-0102.

Our Location

Great Oaks Recovery Center
11210 FM 102
Egypt, Texas 77436
(713) 769-0102
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