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15 Warning Signs of Alcoholism

by | Oct 8, 2015 | Alcohol Abuse

15 warning signs of alcoholism - warning signs - great oaks recovery

Worrying over a loved one’s drinking can be overwhelming, confusing, and painful.

Many of us are so confused that the person addicted to alcohol makes us believe everything is okay and we’re making a problem when there isn’t one. People suffering from addiction are pros at covering up their disease and can be crafty at pulling the wool over our eyes. Sadly, denying or not paying attention to the warning signs of alcoholism can cause a devastating outcome.

Addiction is progressive and over time, without intervention and treatment, will only get worse. If we can be willing to open our eyes, the warning signs of alcoholism may be easier to spot.

The most common warning sign of alcoholism is secretly drinking, hiding, or lying about drinking. The person may hide bottles, drink before parties, or  stash alcohol where it normally wouldn’t be kept (e.g. under the bed, in the bathroom, etc.).

Below are 15 warning signs of alcoholism that tend to be the most common. Some of them may be hard to detect.

1. Making excuses for drinking (it’s a party, someone is coming over, need to unwind, etc.).

2. Drinking at odd times (adding alcohol to morning juice, drinking right before bed, etc.).

3. Apologizing after a night out for their behavior and having trouble in relationships.

4. Being late for work, important appointments, meetings, or events.

5. Having unexpected absences or disappearing to run errands at odd times.

6. Passing blame and denying that bad things happen when one drinks.

7. Convincing self and others that a DUI or blackout was meant to be a lesson and it won’t happen again.

8. Frequent mood swings including rage, depression, and sadness.

9. Shaking of hands, having a flushed face. or red and blotchy skin.

10. Forgetting events, facts. and entire portions of time.

11. Weight gain (yes, alcohol is calorie heavy!),

12. Hangovers seem to be getting worse.

13. Having withdrawal symptoms such as tiredness, sadness, and irritability until you have a drink.

And finally, the two biggest of the 15 warning signs of alcoholism are:

14. Not being able to stop drinking when has started.

15.. Deciding to quit but not being able to.


If you have a loved one showing signs of alcoholism, we are here to help. Contact us anytime at (713) 769-0102.


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Great Oaks Recovery Center
11210 FM 102
Egypt, Texas 77436
(713) 769-0102
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