Great Oaks Recovery Center - Houston drug rehab - alcohol rehab center - texas addiction treatment facility - alcohol and drug detoxification


Houston Drug Rehab

photo of the pool at Great Oaks Recovery Center - Houston Drug RehabDrug addiction can happen to any family. Sadly, the parents, siblings, family and spouses often suspect that their loved one is in need of help before the addict or abuser does. Despite expressing encouragement for their loved one to seek help, the family and friends of an addicted individual are frequently unable to convince the sufferer to enter drug rehab to receive treatment for their disease.

Finding a Houston Drug Rehab Away From the City Noise

Oftentimes addicted individuals will not enter treatment on the lone basis of the repeated emotional appeals that are offered up by their loved ones. When he or she finally does experience a moment of clarity, and realizes they need to seek help, the family and friends of the sufferer rejoice in the prospect of a new start for the person that they love. Naturally, the addicted person often doesn’t want to leave home. They desire their family’s support as they go into the new life of sobriety that is foreign for them, but also essential for their survival. Staying nearby in a Houston drug rehab provides the ability to escape from their destructive environment and still keep in touch with their support network.

Recover From Addiction on Our 50 Acre Ranch

At Great Oaks Recovery Center, an addicted individual can do just that. The facility in Egypt, Texas, is close enough to Houston to feel close to loved ones. Great Oaks also provides an environment with enough isolation to allow individuals to take a look at what ails their body, mind and spirit. Our programs feature a medical detoxification, residential treatment, and continuing care. Our Houston drug rehab also has a family program that allows the client’s loved ones to be educated on the disease of addiction and how to provide the best possible support in the fight against it. Everyone who loves an addict wants to give them the help they deserve. Great Oaks Recovery Center is committed to doing just that for each client in treatment, and for their family members as well.

For more information about Great Oaks Recovery Houston Drug Rehab, contact us anytime at (713) 769-0102.