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Understanding Drug Addiction

Drug addiction can negatively affect someone’s life in many ways. To provide the proper care and support needed for someone to recover from addiction, it’s important to understand drug addiction and its many impacts on someone’s well-being. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, many addiction rehab services can help.

What Is Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is characterized by continued long-term use of drugs or alcohol despite negative consequences that someone is experiencing in their life due to drug use. Drug addiction is used to describe the behaviors of drug misuse or abuse where drugs are frequently taken in large doses over a long period.

What Causes Addiction?

Many factors can potentially contribute to the development of drug addiction. Common factors that cause drug addiction are mental health issues, past trauma, genetics, peer pressure, and being exposed to drug use in your home environment. Many who struggle with addiction will also struggle with underlying conditions in which they may be using drugs or alcohol to self-medicate or cover up issues they’re dealing with.

Drug Addiction Rate

According to the National Center for Drug Abuse, 11.7% of Americans aged 12 and older use illegal drugs. Accidental drug overdose is one of the leading causes of death in people under 45. Over 70,000 drug overdose deaths occur in the U.S. each year. The number of overdose deaths is rising at approximately 4% every year.1

Common Signs of Drug Addiction

To tell if someone is struggling with addiction and provide them with the proper support for recovery, it’s essential to understand the symptoms of addiction, overdose, and withdrawal.

If you’re trying to determine if you or someone you care about is struggling with an addiction, there are common signs and symptoms you can look for. If you or someone you know is displaying any signs of addiction, drug addiction rehab is available and can help get you on the path to recovery.

Changes In Personality or Behavior

When someone is struggling with addiction, they may display changes in their personality or behavior. Things like mood swings, irritability, and agitation are common signs of drug addiction. Behavioral patterns will also commonly occur, such as changes in sleeping patterns, acting more secretive, or taking risky actions.

Physical Changes

Someone struggling with addiction may also display common physical changes such as sudden weight loss or gain, bloodshot eyes, shaking, and having poor physical hygiene or appearance.

Social Changes

Those struggling with addiction may also display social changes such as seeming more withdrawn from social activities, no longer finding enjoyment in activities they previously liked, becoming more isolated or avoiding social situations, and having relationship problems. 2 If someone you know is displaying these social changes, it’s a good idea to check in and let them know you’re there for them.

The Dangers of Drug Abuse

Drug Overdose Symptoms

When someone struggles with an addiction, they’ll likely build a tolerance to the drugs they’re taking over time. A tolerance will cause someone to take increasingly higher doses of a drug to receive the same effects. Taking high doses of a drug is dangerous and can lead to negative consequences such as an overdose.

If someone overdoses on a drug, it’s crucial that they receive immediate medical attention. Common signs of a drug overdose are:3

  • Abdominal pain
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Problems with vital signs (temperature, heart rate, breathing, blood pressure)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Skin being cool and sweaty, or hot and dry
  • Sleepiness, confusion, or coma

If someone displays these common signs of an overdose, you should call 911 immediately to get them immediate medical attention. When paramedics arrive, it’s vital to inform them that a drug overdose may have occurred so they can provide proper medical procedures.

What Are Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms?

If someone struggles with addiction, they’ll likely experience withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly stop taking the drug. Withdrawal symptoms are a common part of the detox process during drug addiction rehab. Withdrawal symptoms may range from uncomfortable to severe, making it essential to seek proper rehab for drug addiction to make the detox process as safe and comfortable as possible. Common withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Changes in appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea
  • Restlessness
  • Shakiness
  • Sweating
  • Tremors

What Are the Stages of Addiction Rehab?

When going through drug addiction rehab, some common stages will occur during the process. Drug addiction treatment centers will provide you with high levels of care and support during this time to help you get the best possible results.4


During the intake stage of drug addiction rehab, you will become acquainted with the drug addiction rehab center you’ll be staying at and will likely meet different staff members you’ll be working with. The intake process usually begins with a meeting with an addiction counselor.

This initial addiction counseling session will provide the counselor and treatment professionals with key information about your addiction and other important aspects of your life. This initial session will help treatment professionals create a plan that meets your needs and will make the drug addiction treatment process as successful as possible.


The detox stage will then be the next step in the addiction rehabilitation process. Withdrawal symptoms will likely be experienced during this time which can be uncomfortable. However, experienced treatment professionals will be available around the clock during addiction rehab treatment. Medication for drug addiction may also be used during this time to ease withdrawal symptoms and prevent a relapse from occurring.


The next stage in the treatment process is addiction rehabilitation. During the addiction rehabilitation stage, you’ll work through addiction therapy, attend group therapy sessions, and build skills that will help maintain long-term sobriety.


After rehab for addiction has been completed, some form of aftercare will be recommended to help provide a continued support system as you transition back into regular everyday life. Addiction rehab centers may provide aftercare at the treatment facility, or other support groups and resources may be recommended.

Drug Addiction Treatment Options

There are many treatment options available that can help with rehab for addiction. The relevant options will be listed below.


Detoxification programs can help you through the detox process. Detox and rehab for drug addiction aren’t easy, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Addiction treatment programs can help make the detox process as comfortable and easy as possible to ensure high success rates.

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient addiction rehab involves staying at a treatment center for a duration of time. Inpatient treatment is a good option that will provide you with round-the-clock support and medical attention. Inpatient treatment centers can provide you with a stable living environment away from any temptations to help you get the best results.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient addiction rehab may be a good option for those with less severe addictions or who don’t want to leave behind work or family responsibilities. Outpatient addiction treatment allows you to attend regular treatment sessions while still returning home at night or taking care of additional responsibilities during the day. Outpatient treatment sessions can be worked around your schedule to best fit your personal needs.5

Support Groups

Support groups can also be an effective part of an addiction rehab program. Support groups provide a sense of community during addiction rehab, so you don’t have to feel like you’re going through things alone. Group members will share their current and past experiences and work together on building skills for continued success and recovery.

Addiction Rehab Services at Great Oaks Recovery Center

If you’re searching for addiction rehab options, Great Oaks Recovery Center can help. We provide evidence-based treatment designed to fit your needs. Our treatment professionals are knowledgeable in proper treatment methods and deliver the highest levels of care.

Great Oaks offers various rehabilitation programs to help you achieve the results you want to get out of treatment.

  • Detoxification: We can provide you with a medically supervised detox to help you through initial withdrawal symptoms and get you on the right track towards recovery.
  • Residential treatment: Residential treatment at Great Oaks will provide you with a structured and supportive environment that will help facilitate success and long-term recovery.
  • Family program: We also offers options for family support and education. By getting family members involved, it helps facilitate an ongoing support system that helps with the recovery process.
  • Ready to Work: The Ready to Work program at Great Oaks is designed to help you find employment after treatment or transition back into the workplace.
  • Continuum of care: We will continue to provide you with support and resources even after finishing a treatment program. Providing you with follow-ups and continued resources for recovery helps facilitate long-term success and sobriety in the future.

If you want to learn more about how Great Oaks Recovery Center can help you, contact us at (713) 769-0102 for more information about our recovery services.

Questions About Treatment?

Our knowledgeable team is ready to discuss your situation and options. Your call is confidential with no obligation required.