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Detoxification: Clearing the Way for Recovery

photo of a bedroom at Great Oaks Recovery center - drug rehab and detoxification - detox center near houston - addiction treatment detoxWhen a person first considers detox centers in Houston, Texas, or elsewhere, it’s often because they’re personally struggling with drugs or alcohol, or have a friend or family member in need of inpatient rehab. Detoxification is a misunderstood process in the recovery journey, and is frequently a barrier that prevents people from pursuing vital substance abuse treatment.

The clinical team at Great Oaks Recovery Center provides ample information about this first stage of quality addiction care. Here are some important things to know about how we help you or your loved one through this process.

Personalized Assessments Determine Withdrawal Risk

Withdrawal refers to physical and emotional problems someone might experience who’s dependent on a substance and either:

  • Drastically reduces the amount used.
  • Stops suddenly.

Like slamming on the brakes of a vehicle, the body and mind can’t handle such an abrupt shift, because chemical changes as a result of heavy or prolonged use alter each person’s physiology differently, and won’t be remedied going “cold turkey.” To ease the transition from chemical dependence, our experts examine a person’s whole health profile, types of substances, severity of usage, and other stability factors.

It surprises many people to learn that not everyone has to go through extensive detox to begin recovery. Some expel toxins and start healing over the course of a few days, while others might need up to two weeks.

Detoxification Is a Medically-Supervised Process

The detoxification phase is controlled by Great Oaks’ highly-qualified onsite medical team, which is guided by our medical director and clinical staff. Specifically-trained and licensed nurses are available 24-hours-a-day to provide compassionate, professional care, safeguarding each person’s physical and mental wellbeing during this challenging time.

Our team not only provides pharmacological interventions during detoxification as needed, we also offer an array of interventions and education on techniques to aid clients during this phase.

Therapy Begins Right Away

Let’s face it: purging your body and mind of toxins sheds light on numerous issues. While this might seem difficult at first, it’s actually an essential turning point that enables you to continue the recovery journey. We assign an individual therapist to work with you during this time to lend support and guidance, as well as providing counseling to assist with all other aspects while you progress through the detoxification process.

Detoxification helps reduce the brain’s reliance on chemical stimulation of vital neural pathways. Immediate therapeutic intervention allows an individual to replace false responses with conscious choices.

Detox Is Only the Beginning

One myth of recovery is once the chemicals are eliminated, addiction is “cured.” But the philosophy of comprehensive addiction recovery is that while this disease isn’t curable, it’s absolutely treatable. With dedicated guidance, acknowledgement of root causes, and progressive methods for behavioral management, all people can understand substance use disorder, why they developed it, and how to create a positive, healthy future.

Your Choice for Detox Near Houston

The goal at Great Oaks Recovery Center is for all clients to be physically and emotionally comfortable as quickly as possible to allow them to focus on their treatment and goals, free from substance dependency and full of hope.

Our admissions team is available 24-hours-a-day to answer your questions, so if you or a loved one is ready to make a change, call us today.

For more information about our detoxification program, call us today at (713) 769-0102.