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Great Oaks Recovery Center Blog

The Great Oaks blog includes both informative and personal articles related to addiction, recovery, alcoholism, and so much more. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime at (713) 769-0102.

Why Emotional Regulation Helps Your Recovery

Many people initially think of addiction and dual diagnosis treatment as a punishment. In reality, it's a beneficial opportunity for growth and progressive development. For example, learning about the concept of emotional regulation and applying certain practices to your life reinforces stability...

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Can Someone in Recovery Take Pain Medications? - taking pills

Can Someone in Recovery Take Pain Medications?

It’s easy to assume that a recovering addict must adhere to a strict protocol of “no medication — ever” to maintain sobriety. The thought is that the risk of a slip into addictive behavior or a full-blown relapse is far too high....

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Using CBD Products in Sobriety: Yes or No

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in cannabis. CBD is not impairing, meaning it does not cause a ‘high’.” The chemical has become popular in recent years because of its potential therapeutic effects. ...

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What to Expect During Alcohol Detox if You’re a Long-term Drinker - man sick on the couch

What to Expect During Alcohol Detox & Alcohol Withdrawal

If you are a long-term alcohol user and thinking about stopping, you should avoid the “cold turkey” approach. Abruptly stopping alcohol use or cutting back on your consumption will lead to acute alcohol withdrawal (AW). In some instances, the withdrawal symptoms are...

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Dangers and Complications of IV Drug Use

Some addictive drugs can be consumed in more than one way. An addicted person may have started by smoking or taking a drug in a pill form. As they develop a dependence on it, they need to use higher quantities to experience...

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Pros and Cons of Abstinence vs. Moderation

Most relapse prevention plans highlight the numerous benefits of drug and alcohol abstinence to ensure long-term recovery. However, this doesn’t mean that people aren’t curious about whether they’ll be able to drink or use substances occasionally after completing rehabilitation. So let’s take...

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Newborns and New Sobriety

Caring for a newborn comes with constant worrying, self-doubt, sleep deprivation, and a whole lot of diapers. Although those first few months after a baby’s arrival can be filled with snuggles, sink baths, and soft, plush baby toys, the newborn period can...

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12 Tips for Better Stress Management

Stress is a dirty word for many people, and with good reason. We often don't feel its full effects until it wreaks havoc on our emotions, thoughts, and physical well-being. But did you know that stress isn't always a bad thing? Or...

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Why No One “Chooses” to Develop Addiction

There are multiple myths about addiction, including that it’s a reflection of the person’s morality and that a person with addiction will never get better. For individuals trying to manage alcohol use disorder (AUD) or substance use disorder (SUD), these damaging perspectives...

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Celebrating Without Drinking: 10 Tips for Success

Whether you’re gathering with family for winter holidays, ringing in the new year, or enjoying another joyous event, there are many ways to maintain your sobriety. By staying mindful of your relapse triggers and approaching each situation on your terms, you’ll have...

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Great Oaks Recovery Center

11210 FM 102
Egypt, Texas 77436
(713) 769-0102

Contact Us Anytime